How do you feel about participating in the BANPRESTO WORLD FIGURE COLOSSEUM 2019?
I am as excited as I was from last year’s BWFC. Can’t even believe that I will get to participate again! I would say, I am even more excited now because I know how epic the whole event is and I can’t wait for events to unfold. I met a lot of great people along the way. The trip to Japan was my most memorable travel experience so far!
Of all the art forms, why did you pick sculpting or become a sculptor?
While sculpting is a study of complex skills, in a way, it is also quite simple. You just sit down and do it for hours and hours. So meditative you can’t even feel time passing by. Nothing better as a career than doing what you do for fun. Seeing an idea take form is always fascinating to me. In sculpting, this form is something you can actually touch. Also, it is always great when other people appreciate them. Makes you think all those hours were well worth it. And not just the hours but also yourself. You put a little bit of yourself in these things and people liking them always puts a smile on my face. :)
How do you feel about the franchise for which you selected?
"Dragon Ball" is basically my entry point to anime. It was crazy popular in the Philippines. All kids know it and are able to draw Goku doing Kamehameha. It is a big part of my childhood. I never imagined I would work on this franchise, it is crazy and unbelievable but here I am! I did my best in my entry. I hope people, especially the Dragon Ball fans, will like it.
Tell us the reason why you chose the character you did.
I find Gogeta an interesting character concept. Here you have two powerful Saiyans with strong sense of competition against each other and then you merge them as one. Now story plays along and you try to find out who is currently present, Goku or Vegeta. It is an interesting watch whenever a little bit more of the other spills out. Ultimately it tells you, no matter their differences are, it is possible to cooperate genuinely to face a common threat or achieve a bigger goal. I chose the pose because the anticipation of a finishing move, I think, feels more powerful than the move itself. This was the moment in the latest movie when Gogeta is sizing up Broly and determined to end him. And the slow motion effect of that scene builds up in you and you’re like, “YEAH you are so dead now” hahaha! I felt like a kid again during those final scenes of the fight. Loved it!
What makes your style of sculpting unique?
It is always hard to say what makes your art unique because most of the time you don’t think about it or deliberately make one. It just shows after the art is complete. But what I think might be interesting on my art is that I am equally influenced by eastern and western style. I pick stuff I like from them and merge them together. Not always successful but I still try anyways haha. Though now, this is actually making me think, maybe it is time to deliberately make my own signature style. We’ll see. :)
How do you feel about the other contestants?
I want to meet them! Last year was awesome. Meeting the other participants, who are far more exceptionally talented, were definitely the highlight of the trip! I admire their work and always get inspired by them. I am super thankful that we have the internet now and I have been following all of their works online. With the highest anticipation, I am looking forward to meeting this year’s participants in person, shake their hands and have some chat about this thing we have in common which is making figures.
Is there anything you like to say to your fans?
Last year, I mentioned in this same question that I only have my Mom as a fan. Now, I actually have a few fans haha that’s awesome! A bunch of people reached out to me in different ways, telling me how they liked my work last year. Hello friends! I joined again this year! Please look forward to my work and I hope you will like it and support it like the immense support you gave me last year. Sincere thanks to you all! *virtual hug*